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East Thompson train wreck, December 4, 1891

The Day Four Trains Collided in East Thompson

December 4, 2022 • Disaster, Transportation, Thompson

In 1891, Thompson, Connecticut, was the site of one of the most horrific railway accidents in American history.


A small building on the back of a trailer. Two men are walking beside the building

The Connecticut Houses that Ended Up in Massachusetts

Old Sturbridge Village moved numerous historical CT buildings, but evidence of their existence still lives on in historic maps, photographs, and memories.


Residence and Library of Ithiel Town, New Haven

American Architect Ithiel Town Born – Today in History: October 3

On October 3, 1784, prominent American architect and engineer Ithiel Town was born in Thompson.


Vonsiatsky and the German American Bund in the 1940s

The Vonsiatsky Conspiracy Case

In 1942, Anastase Vonsiatsky of Thompson, Connecticut, was convicted of conspiring to betray state secrets to Nazi Germany.


Echoes of the Old World: The Architectural Legacy of Ithiel Town

Ithiel Town was one of the first professional architects in Connecticut and one of the first to introduce the architectural styles of Europe to the United States.


Andrew Mamedoff

Connecticut Daredevil Andrew Mamedoff Joins Royal Air Force

Andrew Mamedoff was a daredevil, pilot, and war hero who became one of the first Americans to join England’s Royal Air Force.


Over Time: Thompson’s Historical Population

March 28, 2014 • Hide Featured Image, Thompson

Census data, from colonial times on up to the present, is a key resource for those who study the ways in which communities change with the passage of time.


Jens Risom and a selection of his furniture

The Answer Is Risom!

How the Scandinavian design movement re-fashioned local industry in the mill town of Thompson during the 1960s and ’70s.


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